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Peluang mempelajari ilmu perawatan seperti bekam, akupunktur, dan Ilmu diagnos penyakit Ahli akan mendapat NM dengan berbelanja di Restoran Radix Fried Chicken (RFC), rangkaian restoran HPA yang lain, Dobi Toharah dan menginap di Hotel HPA. Penerapan amalan Islam dalam pekerjaan seperti semua pekerja diwajibkan berwudhuk, menutup aurat, membaca Al-Ma’thurat dan solat sunat dhuha sebelum memulakan kerja. [e8059]

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Aku pegang kata2 ini biar sampai jadi 'batu'!
..peranan tu tak penting. Yang mustahak, kita design, kemudian kita rumuskan dan kita rangka perlaksanaan. Rasulullah masa hijrah ke Madinah, duit satu sen pun tak ada. Begitu juga para sahabat. Orang kata baginda angan-angan nak memerintah Madinah. Tapi, baginda bersama sahabat design, rumuskan dan laksanakan dari yang termudah, termurah, terkecil, kemudian barulah yang ke seterusnya. Awat, kita ni lemah sangat ke? ~ Pengasas

Scholarships Oh Scholarships - Malaysiakini  

Saturday, December 20, 2008

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When we talk about this matter, people always believe that certain races or dominant ones are the deserving party. By the way, do we have scholarship nowadays ? Yes we do. Not everyone knows that scholarships do exists.

I remember that during my secondary years, I receieved RM76 in Form One, increased RM10 per year till Form Five. That was state scholarship. The federal one was RM180 annually. Sadly my rich friends got the federal ones. They never lined up into the mobile Bank Bumiputera to get their money. They were rich !

How about now ? The Federal one is RM840. That is RM70 per month. Students fill in forms and their teacher sends them electronically and walla...... They receive the money. Easy huh? What I don't like is the people who get the money. Do they really deserve it ? I happen to get to see some saving account books of the scholarship receivers. Many do not withdraw their money!

Their parents have money for their children. When the children get out from school after form 5, they have about RM4000 ! Imagine what they can buy with that amount. I remember some of my neighbours who do not get "free money" because they do not belong to the right races! I believe they do deserve the so-called "free money". They need to pay the bus fares, PTA's fees and numerous fees to be paid to smoothen their studies. Their parents can pay for other necessaties.

The students who don't use their scholarships don't need them. They go to school on bikes or motorbikes that their dad bought for them. They have everthing, yet they get the scholarship!


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2 comments: to “ Scholarships Oh Scholarships - Malaysiakini

  • tan, tanjong bungah
    December 20, 2008 at 2:40 PM  

    Hi everyone,

    I do agree that Federal scholarships should continue under affirmative action, but should only go to those who require such financial aids, not a blanket rule to give to all bumis!

    Would the Federal Govt. impose on a rule, say those with family income of more than RM4000 per month are disqualified from applying? With this rule, there's even room for the quantum of financial aid to be increased, pegged to inflation, for the others who truly deserve such aids.

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